Tallinn, Estonia (Bryon)

The Star’s next stop is Tallinn, Estonia. Before embarking on this journey, I didn’t do much research on Estonia and I didn’t know what to expect. Given its proximity to Russia and its former status as a soviet republic, I assumed that there would be a lot of concrete communist-era buildings and cheap prices. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the entire Old Town of Tallinn is a UNESCO world heritage site. Complete with cobblestone roads, city walls, and the among the lowest prices in the Baltic eurozone, Tallinn was a pleasure to visit.

We ate lunch at a medieval themed restaurant called Old Hansa. In a manner similar to a Rennaissance Faire, the waiters dressed up as medieval servants and served some approximation of medieval foods. I had a soup of wild boar and other meats. Valerie had the wild boar plate in gravy with pickles and saurkraut and a “cake” of cheese. We washed it down with a pint of honey beer (similar to mead, but not as good). The overpriced, but tasty meal came with a small complentary glass of schnapps.

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