Goodbye Grandma

As I find myself typing this from my hometown of Fountain Valley, CA, I realize how quickly life can change. A week ago, I was frantically packing for the first leg of my grand voyage. However, on Monday, May 13, just one day before I was scheduled to leave, my father called me with sad news that my grandmother had passed away. My grandmother has always been a central point of our extended family. Our family would often get together to celebrate special occasions. She’s always been a prominent figure in my life and it’s difficult for me to accept that she’s no longer with us. Consequently, I have postponed my trip in order to spend time with my family during this difficult period. However, this experience has not discouraged me from continuing with my dream; rather it has reinforced the knowledge that even at 85 years, life is short and that it is important to take all the opportunities you are given to make the most of it. Hopefully, you will follow along when we begin our journey even though it will be slightly delayed from our original plan. Best wishes.

2 thoughts on “Goodbye Grandma

  1. Wayne

    You have my condolances. Whether it’s 85, 55 or 105, it’s not long enough. You have to make good use of the time you have. I hope you will be posting happier updates soon!


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