Days 0 and 1: Eastern Europe & Baltic Sea

From Bryon’s blog:

On Friday, June 7, Valerie and I began our vacation to Eastern Europe. Valerie gathered up our Star Alliance miles and booked a flight to Dubrovnik, Croatia. We will be working our way northbound to SplitPlitvice LakesLjubljanaLake Bled, and Budapest before boarding the Norwegian Star in Copenhagen for a cruise of the Baltic Sea followed by a few days in Paris before our flight home.

The first days (Days 0 & 1) consisted primarily of traveling to Dubrovnik. We flew from San Francisco to Frankfurt where we missed our connection to Vienna. Luckily, the good people at the United Transfer Desk were able to re-book us on a flight directly to Dubrovnik that departed about 4 hours later. (Amazingly, our luggage arrived in Dubrovnik on the same flight thanks to the fine efforts of the people at United and Lufthansa.) We took a shuttle to the main bus station in Dubrovnik where we were picked up by the daughter of the owner of Jele Rooms, the sobe (room for rent) that we are staying at.

Upon arriving at our room, we promptly fell asleep. Our room is a small, but clean room with private bathroom and two twins beds. The owners are friendly and helpful. Jele Rooms is about 1 mile (uphill) from the Old Town and conveniently located next to the 3 and 8 bus lines.

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